Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trip 14 before the rains...

Dear Hiking Friends:

The Trip:  I managed to take one muddy hike post a week of rains.  The view was lush green and the air was very pure-not even the usual haze that hangs over the San Jose city area.  It was definitely great to get out-this was back at the beginning of March...and every day that I wanted to hike since that time has been a downpour.  Thot it best to post until the rains let up-weather is fore casted to be rainy for the next 7 days

Pacheco the faithful dog has been getting his local neighborhood walks-but I think we both feel a bit cooped up! I will resume posting when I get out on the hill again.

The Job Search: Trips up the hill may have slowed down-but applying for jobs has not.  There have been a couple for Executive Administration or Office Manager for local companies that really look like a great fit for me-so I'm hoping to connect in the next weeks with hiring managers.  There continue to be several sectors I would be a great match for-including renewable energy- specifically solar.  I would also enjoy a job in the organic field and have applied for several positions in the health and wellness sector.  The most interesting green jobs are posted by Google-for Green Associate.  So my hopes are high as I sail into spring!  The past two positions that I landed and loved both came in the March/April time zone-so perhaps the next position will as well.

Life Around the Trip:  Daughter had braces installed and we had two new sinks and two new interior doors installed-so they are all progress toward a stylish and fresh future.  St. Patricks day is tomorrow so I already have the corned beef, cabbage and carrot waiting to be put into the crock pot.  The rains have made it more difficult to garden-but I did my yearly weeding of most of our side yards and put in a new batch of Tan the outside of the home is spruced up too.  I'm really starting to miss the team environment of work-and am looking forward to making new professional friends in my next venture!

Cheap Thrills:  Adventures for the Unemployed  It was my birthday-so this year I'm stringing out the celebration with various friends to last about a month.  This way I can enjoy the time with folks and really enjoy the lunches and dinners that are such a treat when income is limited.  I asked for beauty related gifts-so I have massage and pedicure coupons to last thru the end of May...nice!  Until next hike-I wish you encouragement as you continue to seek gainful employment


Monday, February 21, 2011

Trip 13 Chinese New Year Banquet Thots

The Trip: Spring is still in tow on this hike-Manzanita Tree filled with blooms to the point of looking like snow.  Poppies continue to dot the hills, leading the way for other wild flowers to join the spring hillside bouquet.  I'm recovering from the banquet that we had for Chinese New Year-feeling like I'm hauling an extra 10 lbs of myself up the hills.  This is a good way to get over a food coma however-so I slog on. 

The Job Search: Applied for about 6-7 jobs this week.  All online-staying in the green scene or wellness sector mainly...altho every once in awhile a
Craig's List posting for a Office Manager or an Executive Admin looks so intriguing I also apply.  I've decided to crank up the reading AFTER the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade on Feb 19th-as we will be in the city watching Destiny and friends march.  Always a good time-I revel in the colors and fireworks.  Oh yes back to the job search.  I continue to link up with folks on Linked-In and continue to find this the best source to both apply for positions and do research on companies.  Take heart all you fellow job seeking hikers-I get on-line fatigue too-but have found two good jobs in the past on-line SO IT IS POSSIBLE to find and land a job this route!!! Had two lunches out this week with friends and potential networking folks...very nice to get out and get a bite to eat and talk about employment hopes-VERY energizing.

Life around the hike:  Other than Chinese New Year-I'm called in for Jury Duty-I'm going to take a deferment until summer so that if I need to serve-it won't impact Destiny's schooling.  (Postscript-yes I step up to the mike and ask for don't be shy when you find yourself called as a juror...)
It's been raining, raining, hard to get out on the hill to hike-hoping to kick it up this coming week.

Cheap Thrills:  Adventures for the unemployed:  I get travel magazines here and there, so that I can cook abroad -in my own home. As I tell my friends  "I live on the Islands-I just haven't moved there. " So I live Aloha --with the spirit of adventure in my heart and amazing meals and great wonderful dreams come out of this place. 

so Gung Hey Fat Choy fellow hikers until the next post!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trip 12...On A New Year's Day

About the Hike:  Today is actually February 3rd, 2011 which for those of you that don't know is Chinese New Year of the Rabbit.  The weather was a stunning 70 degrees and sunny (Pity the poor blokes on the East Coast buried in snow).  There were more than a few hikers out today...and someone actually wished me "Happy New Year" I purposely went for a hike to day -because we celebrate this New Year in our family pretty big time....and the day always feels fresh.  The vista overlooking the bay was clear...and I told myself...somewhere out there is the place I WILL WORK!

About Getting Work:  OK I'm stuck in Outlook purgatory ie I'm reformatting some stuff and it's taking tooooo looooong.  I bought a book so that I can be an expert on Outlook-and want to jump in-but first I have to reconfigure this n that...ugh..well I am learning.  I bought a book on getting in depth with PowerPoint I'm going the have the total MS Office gig under my belt.  I use the programs at my former jobs-so the upgrade should not be a large undertaking...I'll keep you posted.

Life Around the Trip:  Well it's two weeks of doing this and that for Chinese New Year celebrations-we have one banquet planned and will be up at the SF Chinese New Year Parade in mid Feb.  It's a happy, RED and delicious time for us. 

Cheap Thrills:  Adventures for the Unemployed  It's worth it to me to spend a few $$$ on software manuals and other books of interest -I buy them as cheapo as I can-usually the used section on Amazon. 
I have also taken to picking fruit off the various citrus trees in the neighborhood where I have asked permission from the tree owner-free fruit...always a good thing. I means I don't buy lemons, limes or oranges until almost May!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Trip 11 Printemps En Hiver!

The Trip:  I love California because spring and winter come at the same time...once the rain starts hitting the hills the brown turns to green.  January is the time of spring grasses and the start of flowers.  The first to show up on the scene are the mustard flowers-not exactly a CA wildflower, but seeing them tells me the poppies and lupine are not far behind.  It was 72 degrees, sunny and clear-eat your snow shovels -you who are under a pile of the white stuff (I did my time for over 19 years in places like Wisconsin, Illinois etc)  So what does my Title mean dear hiker????

The Job Search:  I bought a serious notebook and some new highlighters as I step it up a notch.  I'm researching several sectors and need a place to record my findings.  I LOVE to research information and learn who the major and minor players are in an industry...and who owns which niche.  Ya gotta conduct research hiking buddie-at LEAST about the companies you want to work for-to understand who they are and where they are (or are not) headed.  I make sure to google "negative comments about XYZ, lawsuits against about XYZ, complaints about XYZ-its amazing what you can find on the WWW. 

Life around the Trip:  Trying various remedy's to kick the remnants of a winter cold...latest find-Organic Echinacea Plus Tea. For more info go to -I went to WholeFoods Market to pick it up-but other grocers stock it. 

Still cleaning for Chinese New Year's celebration...the dust is amazing! Ahhh it is so beautiful when all the flowers and red  Chinese deco is set out!

Cheap Thrills:  Adventures for the unemployed-OK sold a bit of my old and unused sterling silver-enough to make it worth my while...and get a pedicure with some of the extra.  I still want to point out the adventures of grocery shopping at a place that may be an adventure for you...check out
I don't buy everthing there, but the coffee and the wine and some of the specials will save you alot of $$$.

Enjoy the photo of Pacheco's toes in the new grass!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Mexico Hiatus

Hi Hiking Buddies:  100 Trips is about the journey back to gainful employment, and is meant to be encouraging and offer some fun pointers for saving and sanity.  It's also about the life "around the trip" and next to the search for this entry is devoted to the almost two month break in "up the hill" trips...

Hiatus means a break in something where there should be really I didn't plan on taking a break from hiking  for almost 7 weeks (I have still been applying for jobs) ...but with rain and mud and holidays and all I needed to focus on other "elements" for a bit.

The main reason I took a break in December is that we 1.  Had a string of nasty colds  2.  Went to Mexico for a week to build houses for those who could use em....and came home with some local respiratory virus that knocked us out for another two weeks -we are STILL recuperating. 

So here Life Around the Trip and Cheap Thrills:  Adventures for the unemployed all rolled into one section.

To say the trip to MX was more than I bargained for is an understatement...It was meaningful and worthwhile and I'm soooooo glad we did it and soooooo proud of what Destiny under took...but seriously 21 years of this group making the trip it was the COLDEST and RAININEST...time that anyone could can you say DELUGE? Do you have any idea of how hard it its to construct a framed home in a Monsoon?  (and sleep in an unheated building when you are sick and tired and cold....OK I'm complaining)  Would I recommend this trip to others?...well yes, but you have to go with a good attitude and Arctic Grade clothing and sleeping gear.

 Thank the Lord that I backed a good supply of skiing handwarmers and my rabbit fur kept me going. 

The good news is that 6 small framed houses and 5 "pop" or portable homes were built and finished -due to sheer sweat, prayers and really if you ask me --the miracle of the sunshine coming at the right time....

I think I would like to do this trip again in the summer-personally I'm designed to handle heat more than cold.
If you think you want to spend 5 days (3 actual days of construction) with amazing people in the El Nino area outside of Tecate...doing something with long term impact for a family who will apreciate forever -then check out 

We live like Kings here in the US....


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Trip 10 with a coyote

The hike was fun...I spotted a female coyote who sometimes hangs out around a certain bend in the trail.  She is not afraid of me and I'm not afraid of this is good.  She has a den with her male coyote and someday maybe I'll see youngins.  Pacheco just thinks she is another mangy he is interested in playing-but she would probably chew him up a bit-so I keep him on a short leash.

About the job hunt:  OK one of these days I'll standardize the subheadings...I like the linked-in job search feature-the advanced one-really a great tool for looking and linking.  I have hired a job coach in searches of the past...but this seems to offer me what I need for FREE-so count this is my cheap thrills portion too.

Life around the hike...getting ready for Thanksgiving 2010.  Meyer lemon basted turkey et. al...I'm drooling already! OK I'm OFFICIALLY Caught Up and the next post will be 2011!!!!!!!! so keep on reading.....


Trip 9 in where I am glad to be hiking after voting

Hi Hiking Buddies-AKA fellow work seekers-OK so I forgot to add this to Trip 9-so now I am...
Well at least I'm not applying for a political position...I mean I am REALLY thankful to be voting and all-but some of the items on the docket are amazingly complex.  Anyway-here I am out in nature getting all this fresh air and it's 9 times up the hill.  Nov votin day and all.

About getting work:  I voted so I will look for a job later in the week.  I'm really liking my linked-in profile and when I need a lift I read my recommendations...awww such nice things.

Life around the trip:  Starting the countdown to Mexico-here's hoping the weather is warm and sunny!
We will be there thru Dec 31st 2010.  This will be mainly a mother/daughter step way out of their comfort zone and do something good this is one good thing about my hiatus..I have the time to go on a trip like this. 

Cheap Thrills:  OK I found a place where you can get an hour massage for about 20 bucks.  So even I can go do something like this every once in awhile...if you are interested and live in the South Bay email and I'll give you my's Chinese style-so expect to be pummelled a bit.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trip 9....

.....Is absolutely I'll keep it short and sweet.  Halloween was a blast...I dressed like the women the music video by  Train's --smash hit "Hey Soul Sister" know with a black wig and wearing all white and silver jewelry etc. 

I ate too much candy.

Nothing new on the job front. Probably due to the impending holidays
Cheap thrills was trick or treating.  It was great to be a kid for an evening.


Trip 8 Lions and Tigers and Bears...well almost!

This trip up the hill was filled with animals!  Saw a gopher snake (first I thot it was a rattle snake- but I have a vivid imagination )and several deer with fawns.  The fawns think Pacheco is some kind of short white baby deer, and the fawns will come within about 15-20 feet of him to get a good look....I can almost hear their mothers saying..."now dear, it's not polite to stare."  Pacheco dosn't seem too interested...he just stares back.  The deer on the trail are very tame and sometimes I have to wait 5-10 minutes and wave my arms for them to clear the path. 

Looking for werk - same same...couple of solar companies look interesting so I start really tracking their openings.

Life around the trip:  Halloween is coming up this week and it will be the last time I host a party for the kids-who are in early teendom...and are moving beyond "Trick or Treat."  I'm not big on the holiday-but we have a great time planned and will walk with a group of our friends as they fill their sacks with goodies.  Also starting to really nail down what I"m going to vote for on the Nov election.  Honestly alot of not great choices-but voting is an honor so I'm taking the time to be informed. 

Cheap Thrills:  Hosting a potluck for a holiday.  Finding the best places to get groceries on the cheap -best place to go-if you have them nearby in the South Bay is Grocery Outlet...or something of like nature.  I don't buyeverything there...but it really cuts the bill down by a bout 1/3 which is ALOT of bucks!

Trip 7

The trip up the top was uneventful-except for the fact that I felt like I was dragging 100 extra pounds along...don't know why.  Anyway I drug what ever that "extra" weight was to the top. 

Lookin for werk:  applied again to numerous on site venues.  Still reading my class notes about how great it is to get a position in solar...also joined ASES somewhere along the way-American Solar Energy Society-I think it was a $30.00 membership at the time.  They publish a very good magazine called Solar Today

Life Around the trip:  Had a garage sale to raise funds to go to a Mexico Mission trip in late December...looks like we are going.  Thru a group called  Had a generous benefactor give us a nice donation to cover a good portion of the cost....amazing!

Cheap thrills:  Having a garage sale is very never know who is going to show up...folks from 85 to 5 months (with a parent of course) bought alot of our "garagesale" worthy items..made about $160 and banked it for Mexico.  This was the last warm day before winter rains and cold weather set in


Friday, January 14, 2011

Trip 6 picking up the pace

The Hike:  OK finally I notice I'm not dragging so much and am picking up the pace-much to my dog's delight.  Saw some quail today scuttling and cooing thru the underbrush.  They make the most soothing noises-somewhere between a click and a chirp.  Pacheco is not a bird dog-he's more of a squirrel rabbit chaser-so I got to watch the quail undeterred.

The job search:  OK starting to pull together data for the mortgage modification-which due to the daunting nature of the sheer data-I count as work.  Adding friends to Facebook-to keep connecting as I'm starting to feel cooped up.

Life around the trip:  Got my teeth cleaned.  Went to Oktoberfest in Campbell for a Beer-it was raining and cold and crowded. 

Cheap Thrill:  Adventures for the Unemployed - Facebook is my cheap thrill-I really don't get on it much when I'm employed as I spend a good amount of time on the computer.  It's very fun and totally free.


Trip 5 still wheezing

The Hike:  I listed this one as uneventful-so I did the hill. 

The Job Search OK EDD check showed up-whew its always a relief to know that the system generally works.  Still applying at and Craigslist-no responses yet but this is common.  Adding to my Linked-In connections and updating the resume.

Life around the trip:  Applied for a Passport -starting to think about a Mexico Ministry Trip during Winter Break-the Good Lord only knows where the $$$ is going to come from -so we will see.  It will be a mother/daughter trip primarily.

Cheap Thrills:  Adventures for the unemployed - With the price of gold going up up way past 1K-I've started digging thru my jewelry box for "past boyfriend jewelery" and have gone two times to unload it at a reputable local jeweler.  I have to say I felt a little creeped out by doing this..but really I'm not going to wear this stuff and this is kind of an adventure for me-so I did it!  I felt much better -and had a good time-OK I felt really better when I made over 1,200 for stuff lying around.  So DEW IT!  Please don't sell anything that you have sentimental value's not worth the emotional pain. 


I'm catching up on my hikes of 2010

Hi Hiking Buddie!

Just to note-I started my trips up the hill in Sept 2010-so I'm catching you up to the present.  I'm going to post a couple of hikes until I get you to HIKE 13...which will be my next Trip up the Hill..that is if it ever stops raining.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trip 4...shredding the past.

Trip 4

I think I hiked two times in one week...still dragging-but I'm OK with this.  Saw some dust devils along the way.  Views are crisp and wide and refreshing at the top. 

About getting work:  Of course I'm applying for jobs online at places like Craig's List.  I guess the good news is I barely have to dust off my old job search journals and strategy notes. (Yes hiking buddie-I keep records of my efforts to look for work and make strategy notes on how I'm going to tackle this LARGE task) Thankfully,  I do have a friend or two who also are now "re-laid off"-so I'm not totally alone in this weirdness. 

I've decided to also really get my house in order and do a couple of tasks that have been left neglected for lack of time.  So I'm filing and shredding this week.  Some of the shredding is very difficult-because it seems like I'm shredding away a part of a dear past.  Because of this shredding -my prayer on Hike 4 has become like a chant..."Restore, Restore, Restore what the locusts have eaten".  "Restore, Restore, Restore..."

Life around the trip:  I've been telling my friends that everyone except my wallet is benefiting from this period of unemployment.  The dog certainly is getting more walks.  I can see my friends a bit more and I can cook dinner without racing thru the process.  I can play my ukulele I'm starting to see some of the good events that can come from this season. 

Cheap Thrills:  Adventures for the unemployed. You know hiking buddie-the unemployed need adventures too..I have learned how to live rich on a poor persons budget.  I have a restaurant where I go where I can get an amazing lunch for $4.22.  Where's your cheap eats spot???

Trip 3...still wheezing

Trip 3

October-a glorious time in California.  Still sorrowing tho... I'm really dragging my wagon up the hill this time. Being sad like this feels like I need to be plugged into an energy source like a wall socket.  Starting to move from mourning to regroup. 

I worked in the green sector in my last two jobs, and I have to say I loved being "in the groove"  -people like to talk about energy conservation and things like biofuels, wind, recycling and was cool work.  I moved into this sector as I saw the economy move from greed to implosion...the reality is even this sector is having serious drag  issues due to federal and state debt loads.  So all you greenie wanna bee's-- be aware and do your homework on the net...there is a good dose of instability in this sector right now as well...

About getting work:  A word about sector...the reality is that if you are in sectors like construction or say archetect design is probably time to figure what else you could do.  These sectors will not be recovering anytime soon-Green is still a pretty good option for a roll over.  There are alot of really great short term classes where you don't have to splash much cash to retool-so there is hope...

Keep looking for elastic-I mean really dig through your sock drawer of employement options to figure out what that might be for you.  By elastic-I mean of course that lovely economic term that means that a particular line of work is less impacted by the volatility of an unstable recessionary country/world economy.  For example-groceries and haircuts ( now just apply that to something close to what you do)  Don't expect this to jump out of thin air hiking buddie...ya gotta talk to folks...ya gotta research on the web.  YA GOTTA READ THE ECONOMIST MAGAZINE*!

Life around the trip:  I would like to say that I'm very very thankful that I have a very hardworking husband-who puts in very long and good hours.  I realize that I still have a primary breadwinner in the home and am aware of the extreme hardship that happens when the primary breadwinner gets laid off.  $$$ is tight, but I am a fairly good manager of tight $$$ and plus I started out after college with limited funds-so we can adjust to frugal for as long as it takes...and eat more vegetables.

Cheap Thrills: Adventures for the Unemployed - *Of course the least expensive way to read this magazine is at your library or to borrow editions from generous friends.  I usually go to someplace like to get a subscription at a reduced rate.

Ya gotta read hiking buddie-at least one magazine on general biz trends like Inc. Mag or online places for job hunting ideas  . I also read in my "areas for future employment" so for me it's Vegetarian Times, Solar Today etc.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Trip 2...where I determine that I am really out of shape

Trip 2

Wow 2nd time up the hill...and I really that I am more composed-how out of shape I have become.  I guess it's the price you pay for not being able to figure out how to manage a busy schedule. 

I'm wheezing like an asthmatic 75 year old giraffe...hmmm.  OK there is going to be alot of value in this 100 trips gig...I wonder how many times up it will take until I don't make these funny sounds.

The dog dosn't seem to mind...too many lizards to catch.  It's a sunny day and at the top the view is clear-near the end of September and the hills are that tawny golden color-like a lions mane.

About getting work:  OK I submit my EDD filing...gug...but thank-you USA for the funds to keep groceries in the cupboard. 

Life around the trip: I still go on the Coastal Clean Up with my daughter to clean up a local beach.  We also celebrate the Mid-Autumn Chinese Festival with a couple of boxes of mooncakes.  I start thinking about trying for a mortgage modification on our home....daunting daunting.  I feel more composed and am able to grieve some of the goodbyes of September.

Cheap Thrills: Adventures for the unemployed -I find that volunteering for something I believe in energizes me-so get out there and DEW IT!
It's free-you get to meet like minded people and it get you outta the house.
Sandy...the wheezer

Trip 1...where I wish I would have packed some tissues. count this as Trip 1.  Here is my memory of the noted in my beginning post...I cried and generally sobbed (when I wasn't catching my breath) over the loss of two jobs in a short period of time.  Truth be told I was exhausted.  Exhausted by landing and loosing two positions, and by the loss of the people that I had employment "kindredness" with...too much goodbye, too much wretching. 

My only regret about this trip was that I didn't really plan this hike was a beautiful day.  So I brought my dog, myself, my sorrow....but no tissue.  Bummer. 

As mentioned earlier there was that lovely large yellow butterfly flitting around the entire time I tried to compose myself at the top....

About getting work:  Today my work is to grieve the loss

Life around the trip:  I'm married, have one daughter, an obscene mortgage (hey this is CA after all) and an older car.  I'm a person of faith, I have friends, a decent load of education and as mentioned earlier-a great dog.  I can't really tap into all of this today...all I can think of is the faces of people I won't see again...the smell of the building I worked in ....the fact that I will have to go back again to a severe budget and that I loose those great perks that go along with a good job...I walked to the top of the hill in a valley the entire way.

Some days that's just how it is.


Why I started walking up the hill...

There is a hill I hike when things are good or very bad or on days when I just need to get perspective.  This place is not too far from home. It is actually a series of several steep hills strung together by a trail that winds through the grassy California hills -so it's not an easy hike for a person like me...but the clean air and the final vista over the South Bay are worth the huffing and puffing.

I'm not alone on my trusty dog Pacheco accompanies me -which comes in handy on some of the steeper slopes.  Pacheco is an eager dog, and his usual sport of lizard hunting pulls me along on the way up.  There are usually other hikers there and bikers it's not a total solitude, but close enough. 

I've hiked this trail on and off during all the seasons-from green and fresh to brown and muddy. It's a familiar comfort to make my way to the top-with a familiar constant breeze that helps clarify my it dosn't surprise to  me when hiking this trail takes on a more profound meaning in my life.

You see it was very near to September 10th, 2010...when I got laid off from a job I really enjoyed-- that I hiked to the top of the hill and looked out and really, deeply and tramatically asked "Why God...why did I have to get laid off....again?"  In the short course of 10 months I went from loosing one job that I loved dearly- to landing a new job-and again within 5 months...when I just started to get ahold of being competent at a new place...was let go with about 250 other people.  Standing there looking over Silicon Valley I shook my head...I guess lightening can strike Lord have mercy on me.  I cried and sniveled most of the way to the top (Thankfully not seeing a single soul)....and my only comfort-other than pouring out this sorrow to God was a large yellow butterfly that kept circling me on the top of the hill....

On that day....I decided that I would have to make this trek...100 trips up the Hill...even longer if necessary-until I came to the place of EMPLOYMENT.  This blog is dedicated to all those people who have walked this road -in this economy...the unemployed and the underemployed...who in essence- are hiking with me.  I invite to you to come along on each discover what I find on each journey-and to share the life that wraps itself around  me as I make my way to the summit....

Welcome fellow "hikers"...I hope you find a breath of fresh air in our journey together.
