Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trip 8 Lions and Tigers and Bears...well almost!

This trip up the hill was filled with animals!  Saw a gopher snake (first I thot it was a rattle snake- but I have a vivid imagination )and several deer with fawns.  The fawns think Pacheco is some kind of short white baby deer, and the fawns will come within about 15-20 feet of him to get a good look....I can almost hear their mothers saying..."now dear, it's not polite to stare."  Pacheco dosn't seem too interested...he just stares back.  The deer on the trail are very tame and sometimes I have to wait 5-10 minutes and wave my arms for them to clear the path. 

Looking for werk - same same...couple of solar companies look interesting so I start really tracking their openings.

Life around the trip:  Halloween is coming up this week and it will be the last time I host a party for the kids-who are in early teendom...and are moving beyond "Trick or Treat."  I'm not big on the holiday-but we have a great time planned and will walk with a group of our friends as they fill their sacks with goodies.  Also starting to really nail down what I"m going to vote for on the Nov election.  Honestly alot of not great choices-but voting is an honor so I'm taking the time to be informed. 

Cheap Thrills:  Hosting a potluck for a holiday.  Finding the best places to get groceries on the cheap -best place to go-if you have them nearby in the South Bay is Grocery Outlet...or something of like nature.  I don't buyeverything there...but it really cuts the bill down by a bout 1/3 which is ALOT of bucks!

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